Exceptional Fundraising Features

Build beautiful page templates and donation forms quickly and easily either on your own or with our free templates. Create single or multi-step forms – or both – and test them using our native A/B page testing tools to maximize results. 

Recurring Gifts Made Easy

Accept recurring donations and allow supporters to update their payment information or upgrade their monthly gift in the supporter HUB. Depending on your chosen processor, recurring gifts can be managed, updated and even refunded directly in your Engaging Networks dashboard.

Incredibly Easy Page Setup and Testing

Building donation forms has never been easier. With Engaging Networks, create branded, templated forms with whatever level of sophistication you need. Provide donors with deep customizations and conditional content or spin up a form quickly and test using our built-in page testing tools.

Make Giving as Easy as One-Click

Select amount. Click. Done. For supporters who have donated online before, you can render a one-click donation form from emails that allows them to simply select a donation amount and click submit. The donation will be processed via the token from a previous donation. This easy way to give can significantly boost conversions.

The Reporting and Integrations You Need

We integrate with leading databases such as ROI Solutions, Raiser’s Edge and Salesforce so that your donor data is in sync. You’ll love our visual and query reporting tools to track online fundraising, optimize and boost your success.

Increase Recurring Donations with an Upsell Lightbox

Looking for an easy way to convert one-time donors to recurring? Or to increase recurring gift amount? Easily add an upsell lightbox to your donation forms – built in to Engaging Networks’ toolset – and watch your sustainer program grow!

Engaging Networks makes fundraising easy and you'll see results


Easy-to-use and completely customizable – pages will match the look and feel of your site

Mobile Friendly

Mobile-friendly, right out of the box


Memoriam and Honor gifts and events, membership packages, promo codes, premium giving options, symbolic giving and more

language, translate, translation, translator


Accept any currency and create forms in ANY language


Pre-populate supporter data on forms for better conversions

Say Thank you

Automated thank you emails

Measure Impact

Progress bars and thermometers to track campaign impact



SSL certificates for added security and we’re completely PCI-compliant

Sound Exciting?

Request a demo today and one of our team will be in touch with additional information about how Engaging Networks can help you win more campaigns.