10 Ways to Optimize Your Donation Page to Improve Fundraising Results

Fundraising for your nonprofit

The following guest blog comes from Mark Becker, Founding Partner at Cathexis Partners, one of our accredited partners for Implementation Strategy. For more than 20 years, Mark has supported hundreds of nonprofit online fundraising efforts. Fundraising for your nonprofit takes ongoing effort. Every campaign must target the right supporters with compelling messages through multiple channels. […]

Nonprofit Best Practices: 7 Tips for Higher Fundraising Email Open Rates

From Analysis to A/B Testing: Optimizing Your Nonprofit’s Fundraising Emails Fundraising is a critical part of any nonprofit organization’s operations. It allows nonprofits to continue their essential work and support their causes. One of the most effective ways to raise funds is through email marketing. A 2019 report by Nonprofit Tech for Good found that […]

Use Marketing Automation to maximize your GivingTuesday strategy

pumpkin pie givingtuesday marketing automation

For nonprofit marketers and fundraisers, GivingTuesday has been providing a huge bump in revenue since its inception in 2012. With its timing after Thanksgiving, Black Friday and Cyber Monday, it has also become synonymous with kicking off the year-end charitable giving season. It is a critical time for organizations to engage with donors and supporters […]

Everything nonprofits need to know about Google Analytics 4 (GA4)

Google Analytics GA4

Love it or hate it, Google Analytics 4 (GA4) is coming and the recommended July 1, 2022 deadline to prepare and pull your historical data is right around the corner. Are you ready for it?  We recently sat down with Eric Squair from our accredited partner, Data Habits in a webinar to discuss how nonprofits […]

5 tips for charity SMS campaign success

Nonprofit SMS Campaign

What’s one of the best ways to reach international audiences of every demographic, cheaply, and with open rates of 98%? Impossible, right? It’s actually very possible with SMS marketing. This highly personal form of communication is an important marketing tool for charities of all sizes because of its high engagement rates and straightforward messaging format. […]

5 tips for nonprofit SMS campaign success

Nonprofit SMS Campaign

What’s one of the best ways to reach international audiences of every demographic, cheaply, and with open rates of 98%? Impossible, right? It’s actually very possible with SMS marketing. This highly personal form of communication is an important marketing tool for nonprofits of all sizes because of its high engagement rates and straightforward messaging format. […]

How fundraisers can look after their wellbeing


In the UK, one in four of us will experience a mental health problem. Therefore, it’s so important that we look after our own wellbeing as well as that of our colleagues. Many charities in the sector rely heavily on fundraising to sustain their services, and look to their fundraisers to hit high (and sometimes […]

6 Nonprofit Technology Trends to Watch in 2024

p2p apps venmo phones exchanging funds - Nonprofit Technology

Updated 10/6/23 Technology is always changing and it’s nearly impossible to keep up with every new privacy update or algorithm change. Your nonprofit staff is trying its best to keep up with rising trends in nonprofit technology to ensure your fundraising and advocacy efforts are primed to succeed. Understanding the dominant trends in nonprofit technology […]

How to Engage Donors for Year-End Fundraising: 5 Tips


This post is provided courtesy of Adam Weinger, President of Double the Donation. Engaging with donors⁠ (and maintaining high levels of engagement over time⁠) is critical for fundraising at any time of the year. This is particularly true when it comes to the year-end fundraising season⁠—which is sometimes known as end-of-year or holiday giving as well. […]

4 Ways to Optimize Engaging Networks for Year-End Fundraising

year-end fundraising engaging networks

This post is provided courtesy of Brandon Fuller, Owner & Chief Strategist of Raise the Roots, an Engaging Networks Accredited Partner. The holiday season has arrived! In addition to unpacking those sweaters and jackets, you’re likely dusting off your year-end fundraising strategies. As organizations prepare for the season of giving, now is the time to ensure […]

8 Feature Updates to Increase Your End-of-Year Fundraising

Out with the old and in with the new! New Years is all about new beginnings but, before we say “Hello” to 2022 let’s make sure you’ve taken advantage of all our 2021 updates and features. We wouldn’t want you ringing in the new year without the latest and greatest, now, would we?  This summarized […]

9 Ways to Take Your Click-Through Rate to the Next Level

Updated 8/4/23 Before we dive into all things click-through rates, let’s go back in time. Remember when Apple made monumental changes to its privacy settings back in September 2021? These changes have since upended one of the most important email marketing metrics: open rate. They have rendered useless any audience segmentation or targeting based on […]

The who, what, why behind the Apple privacy change– and what you should do about it

Let’s address the elephant in the room– Apple’s Mail Privacy Protection. This change, which is expected to roll out in September 2021, will affect anyone using the Apple Mail app on their iPhone, iPad, or Mac desktop regardless of their email provider– Gmail, Yahoo, AOL etc. Should Apple users opt into this new privacy protection […]

The Benefits of Single Sign-On

SSO single sign on

What is Single sign-on or SSO? Single sign-on makes login easy for users Single sign-on (SSO) is a method of authentication that allows a user to sign in to multiple accounts with one log-in and password. If you’ve ever used your Facebook ID to validate your usage of another app, or if you’ve logged into […]

10+ GivingTuesday Tips and Resources

hashtag giving tuesday

The Foundations of GivingTuesday GivingTuesday was created in 2012 as a simple idea: a day that encourages people to do good. Over the past seven years, this idea has grown into a global movement that inspires hundreds of millions of people to give, collaborate, and celebrate generosity. GivingTuesday strives to build a world in which […]

Supporting Canadian Clients – Canada Day and Every Day!

happy canada day

There’s a lot of silly stereotypes about Canadians. I didn’t know most of them until I met my American roommate in university and was suddenly getting called out for every “eh”, “sorry” and “about” I said. And, from being referred to as the U.S.’s ‘Little Brother’ or ‘Nice Neighbor to the North’, Canada’s existence is […]