Check Out These Great Videos from ENCC 2017!


My first Engaging Networks Community Conference, in my role as Director of Client Services, was an amazing experience! I’d like to thank all the clients, partners and teammates who helped make it a success. Most of my interactions with the Engaging Networks community prior to October had been via phone and email, so it was a real pleasure putting names to faces. And I loved having two full days of in-depth conversations. What y’all manage to do with this software platform is humbling and inspiring!

A bit of that magic was captured in these 13 videos, now available on our Vimeo channel! Some of the most talked about topics that were covered were:

  • Our CEO Graham Covington’s Keynote, which included a review of progress against our 2017 Roadmap, as well as a look ahead to 2018 (Roadmap)
  • Marketing Automation with Drew Daniels (of Human Rights Campaign) and Brandon Fuller (of Raise the Roots)
  • The Peer-to-Peer panel discussion with Molly Kelly (Zuri Group), Kathryn Powers (Ocean Conservancy), and Jacqueline Brakey (Huntsman Cancer Foundation), moderated by John Siemiatkoski (Engaging Networks)
  • The Hidden Gems of Engaging Networks session led by yours truly!

We also put a few of our clients on the spot by asking them about their experience of using Engaging Networks. Check out what they had to say here:

We’ve got some more great conferences coming up: Our UK conference will take place March 7-8 at the wallacespace in Central London. Register now at our early bird rate (prices increase January 1!). We’ll also be hosting a conference in March or April (exact date TBD) in Toronto, to celebrate “software love” with our many Canadian clients. And, of course, you can expect us to be back in DC next October for #ENCC18. I’m looking forward to meeting even more of you between now and then!

Company News

​Blackbaud Merchant Services on Engaging Networks!

Case Study

Migration Without Disruption

Best Practices

Where Nonprofits Can Build Community Engagement After X/Twitter