Feature Focus: Launch value exchange, event registration or gift incentives with Premium Donation pages


A Premium Donation page is a type of donation page within the Engaging Networks platform that offers a thank-you gift, premium item or incentive to donors as a way of encouraging them to give or to give at a higher level. It blends Engaging Networks’ fundraising and e-commerce (symbolic giving) features to help you run different kinds of online fundraising campaigns.

When someone donates through this page type they can qualify for, be offered or choose from a selection of gifts or virtual gifts that your charity offers in recognition of their contribution. These gifts might include items like branded merchandise, registration packs, or other items related to your cause. You can also choose to offer supporters different items if they give at different levels – encouraging them to increase the amount they choose to give to your charity.

Setting up a Premium Donation page is easy; once you have selected the Premium Donation page-type you set up a donation page as you would normally, with the additional step of adding a Premium Gift Block. Here you can decide what gifts to offer, set donation levels that correspond to each gift, and configure the page to handle these options. This ensures that donors can easily select a preferred gift and complete their donation without any hassle. 

Ideas to help you get the most out of Premium Donations

Value exchange campaigns

Offering new Regular Giving supporters a small value exchange item during a sign-up process is a great way of increasing the number of people who choose to give to your campaign, and also helps increase the average value of your supporters’ donations. Items like pin-badges, booklets about a relevant area of your work, or branded tote-bags are popular items to offer during campaigns like this. 

When asking for Direct Debit donations, you could inform supporters that they will receive the item after their first payment. This helps ensure they don’t cancel early in their welcome journey and make that all-important first donation. Better still, you can also integrate the Engaging Networks platform into many fulfilment agencies data flows, automating your thanking process and value exchange fulfilment.

Uplift your Festive Fundraising 

With Christmas being such an important moment in the fundraising calendar, it’s vital that charities offer their supporters compelling, varied and relevant ways of supporting their work. With many charities running Christmas Carol Concerts alongside their Christmas Appeal, you could incentivise people supporting your appeal to give at higher level by attaching items like baubles on your Carol Concert Christmas Tree to higher than average giving levels using a Premium Donation page. Even better, why not offer a single, high-value item to your audience to sit on-top of your charity’s Christmas tree?

Charities can also incentivise higher value giving by offering their supporters packs of Christmas cards, calendars and pop-out bauble kits for higher-than-average gifts.

Event registration

Collecting event registration fees from your participants is an important step in getting your team ready for your next fundraising event. Use our Premium Donation tools to send an Event Registration pack to supporters who pay the registration fee or more. You could also encourage your participants to make higher donations by offering extra items like running vests, branded gear, or water bottles.

You can also use our tools to set up automated journeys for your participants triggered immediately after they’ve registered. You could provide your registrants with training tips, thank-you messaging and SMS messages sent at key moments as you move towards the day of the event.

Converting Corporate Partners 

At smaller organisations managing your High Value giving programme as responsively as you might like can be difficult, with part time staff working across multiple income lines and managing lots of corporate partners and local businesses giving at various different levels. Setting up a Premium Donation page aimed at converting Corporate Partners can be used to gate-keep branded assets – like logo packs for the partner to use on their website – and can be sent to your new supporter immediately after the gift has been made. 

You could also help increase your giving from these partners by offering bronze, silver, gold and platinum supporter packs unlocked at different gift levels. By daisy-chaining your page to an X-post to target action you could also encourage new partners to share their support immediately after they’ve given!

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