We have quite a few clients whose donor database is Salesforce (both the Nonprofit Success Pack version and the NGO Connect version of Salesforce). We own and maintain the connecting bridge app to enable the sync between Engaging Networks and Salesforce (we commissioned a partner agency to build the integration for us, and it’s been updated several times to continuously improve the tool). We’d recommend that you use a qualified Salesforce consultant to set up the connector for you – and we are happy to recommend some of the agencies that we’ve worked with.
There are two connectors, the Lightning and Legacy, please talk with your salesperson or account success manager so they can direct you to the best solution.
The connectors are built to provide a way of creating ‘rules’ that process staging objects, coming from Engaging Networks. Its design is to be flexible and customizable. This means you do not have to create specific fields in Salesforce for Engaging Networks, you can push data into existing fields. It requires the processing rules to be created from the data coming over from Engaging Networks and often where the work lies is figuring out how your Salesforce account will associate the data.
For example, on donation pages, certain source codes are used for gift designations. This is stored in X column in Engaging Networks, and in Salesforce needs to be aligned with Z field. Z field links to another object that indicates a faculty / designation / attribute etc. So for implementation, it needs to understand how your business flows and processing works.
The transaction types you wish to be synced will require work to build out the appropriate processing rules. For example, I would say the simplest implementation is to create / update contacts based on fundraising data.
This means that each day, yesterday’s gift records are pulled in to Salesforce account. Contacts are then created (if new) and then the single or recurring gifts are attached to the appropriate Contact though the Opportunity object. This would probably be three mapping rules.
If advocacy campaigns are also to be synced, then appropriate mapping rules must be set. Considerations of which object in salesforce would represent that action and if there are any source codes that need to be reflected