A small charity that has international offices pushing out their own emails. A mid-sized one working regionally with offices in major cities. A large charity with dispersed office around the globe raising funds and awareness in each of their localities. Managing a few or many chapters of an organization can be extremely frustrating.
Until now. One of the newest additions to our feature set is what we call the Master Dashboard. A central administrative hub for your parent organization and all of your sub-accounts. Each sub-account has its own IP address, own database and own instance, which are linked to the master account for oversight, assistance and management.
Here’s what that looks like…

Because each sub-account has its own instance, if something goes wrong all other sub-accounts and the parent account are protected.
Additional features
Large affiliated organizations often struggle with consistent branding. In Engaging Networks, you can agree on branding with your sub-accounts and set up ‘blueprinted’ page templates for consistency. A blueprint is essentially a template with various styles locked down to ensure sub-accounts are not changing logos, fonts or anything else critical to your brand image. Blueprints also alleviate the burden of sub-accounts needing technical expertise to create page templates.
One of the best features of the Engaging Networks Master Dashboard is sub-account and roll-up reporting. Master account administrators can report on chapter performance locally or across the board. They can report on the regional performance of several chapters or on the overall performance of the entire charity. These reports can even be scheduled to send to recipients like regional managers or VPs.
Data Transfers
Ever wish your chapters would send local supporter information to headquarters so that you can include them in direct mail campaigns? Now you can do this from the Master Dashboard without them lifting a finger. Each sub-account’s supporter fields can be mapped to your Master Dashboard database fields. After that’s done, you can initiate a transfer of supporter data from sub-accounts to your headquarters database. If you work with an external database that integrates with Engaging Networks, you can then push the data to your database of record. Beautiful.
The Master Dashboard is a flagship feature of the Engaging Networks platform, simplifying operations at the highest level, streamlining branding and execution of digital efforts, and reducing staff time in campaign implementation. To read a little more about this exciting new tool check out Master Dashboard in our features section.