2021 Results and Benchmarks

Thanks for checking in on Engaging Networks’ GivingTuesday 2021 results.

We compile aggregate results across all of our clients globally year over year (since 2018) to offer you benchmarks on changes and trends. Amounts reported are in USD and times denoted are in EST (unless otherwise stated). Also, if you’re looking for creative examples of GivingTuesday campaigns, visit our blog!

Overall Totals for Engaging Networks Clients

GivingTuesday Donations by Hour

Donation processing percentages followed trends similar to previous GivingTuesdays with donations picking up beginning at 8:00 AM EST, building throughout the day and peaking between 7:00 and 10:00 PM EST. Spikes and drops in percent of transactions year over year likely indicate different strategies deployed to entice donors. For example, there’s an unusual surge of transactions in 2020 between the hours of 1:00 and 3:00 PM EST.

% Transactions by Hour

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Observing average transaction amounts by hour tells a useful story and challenges some methodologies around ‘best email send time’. While there are clear spikes in average gift amount early in the morning, 10:00 AM EST to 9:00 PM EST is a relatively consistent window of high average donation amount. And, that’s paired with the window of highest transaction volume.

Average Transaction Amount by Hour

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Geographic Breakdown of Giving

% of GivingTuesday Transactions By Country

Where were the donations coming from on GivingTuesday 2021? For this breakdown we focus on the predominant Engaging Networks markets which include some of the biggest GivingTuesday countries. All others are included in ‘Rest of World’. Here’s the breakdown by percentage of total transactions. 

A notable change was the significant drop in GivingTuesday participation for the ‘Rest of World’ category. It’s important to note that this report only accounts for donations made on GivingTuesday in the EST timezone which mostly encompasses the United States and Canadian markets, but even so, participation from the rest of the world dropped from 7.42% in 2020 to 2.24% in 2021.

% Overall Revenue by Country

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After a dip in average United States gift in 2020, there was a strong uptick in 2021. Average gift size in Canada, United Kingdom and the rest of the world has gradually increased since 2019.

Average Gift by Country

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First Time Donors

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After a surge of new donor acquisition on GivingTuesday 2020, there was a drop in the overall percentage of transactions that were by NEW donors in 2021.

Recurring Giving

Changes in recurring giving behavior across all clients were nominal. The percentage of total transactions that were recurring is up again over 2020 but the average gift amount is down (by $.03) but significantly less than the 2018 average.

% Recurring

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Recurring $

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Email and Performance Metrics

There was zero downtime and prompt delivery of all Engaging Networks’ client’s messages on GivingTuesday 2021. The 2021 total was nearly 3m more than sent in 2020.

How Many Emails Were Orgs Sending?

We have to clarify that there’s no clear correlation between number of emails sent and total donations (although you should test that) and that this is based on overall aggregate client numbers. While we noted a dramatic change in 2020 over 2019 with more organizations sending multiple emails, 2021 was another dramatic shift. The vast majority of organizations chose to send only ONE email on GivingTuesday 2021. 

# of Emails Sent

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