NPCA utilizes Engaging Networks to mobilize 1.6 million supporters

NPCA engaging networks

The National Parks Conservation Association (NPCA), one of the leading conservation organizations in the U.S., has selected Engaging Networks as their fundraising and advocacy technology partner. Engaging Networks’ powerful digital engagement platform will allow the NPCA to fully mobilize a database of 1.6 million members and supporters for campaigns that aim to protect and preserve […]

ENCC UK 2022 Highlights

encc UK

In May we hosted our two-day Engaging Networks Community Conference in London. The hybrid event brought together people from around the world to learn, share and connect.  ENCC UK 2022 was an opportunity to bring together our clients, partners and staff to listen to inspiring sessions, case studies, product workshop and panels to hear how […]

Simon Fraser University and Efficiency Canada choose Engaging Networks

canada engaging networks

Simon Fraser University (SFU) and Efficiency Canada, two of Canada’s most respected higher education nonprofits, have selected Engaging Networks as their digital engagement technology partner. Engaging Networks’ innovative fundraising and advocacy platform will assist both organizations in their efforts to mobilize donors and supporters. The announcement comes on National Higher Education Day as the organizations […]

5 tips for nonprofit SMS campaign success

Nonprofit SMS Campaign

What’s one of the best ways to reach international audiences of every demographic, cheaply, and with open rates of 98%? Impossible, right? It’s actually very possible with SMS marketing. This highly personal form of communication is an important marketing tool for nonprofits of all sizes because of its high engagement rates and straightforward messaging format. […]

The Value of Journey Mapping – Short and Long Term for Your Organization

journey map mapping hjc

This post is provided courtesy of Krishna Nathwani, Senior Marketing Consultant at HJC. Most for-profit organizations have been utilizing the idea of journey mapping for years. The premise of this type of strategic analysis is for a brand to look at a consumer/customer journey for its product or service end to end, looking at touch points both […]

Employer Matching Gifts: An Easy Way to Raise More in 2022

matching gifts two hearts as one

This post is provided courtesy of Adam Weinger, President of Double the Donation. Most nonprofits are constantly on the lookout for new ways to raise money for and, as a result, better pursue their charitable mission. One profitable avenue that is continually overlooked, however, is corporate giving⁠—and more specifically, employer matching gifts.  In fact, research shows more […]

6 Nonprofit Technology Trends to Watch in 2024

p2p apps venmo phones exchanging funds - Nonprofit Technology

Updated 10/6/23 Technology is always changing and it’s nearly impossible to keep up with every new privacy update or algorithm change. Your nonprofit staff is trying its best to keep up with rising trends in nonprofit technology to ensure your fundraising and advocacy efforts are primed to succeed. Understanding the dominant trends in nonprofit technology […]

How to write engaging charity emails in 5 easy steps

charity email save the children

We all know that social media is great for brand awareness and reach, but did you know that engagement with email is much stronger? The M+R 2021 UK benchmarks report found that charities had an average engagement score of 0.35% for Facebook posts and 2.2% for Tweets, yet the average email open rate for charities […]

Three smart tips to help your nonprofit utilize data storytelling

data reporting

This post is provided courtesy of Rachel Allison, Principal and Co-founder or Fresh Eyes Digital, an accredited Engaging Networks Partner. Especially over the last few years, the buzz around the importance of being data-driven in the nonprofit sector has risen to a frenzy – and not just for digital marketers, fundraisers, and tech professionals.  There’s good […]

8 Steps for Optimizing Fundraising and Advocacy Campaigns

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Updated 8/15/23 National Nonprofit Day is a reminder of how much organizations rely on fundraising. But there is an equally important yet often overlooked aspect of nonprofit work: advocacy. This can take many different forms, from lobbying lawmakers to mobilizing grassroots campaigns, but regardless, all forms of advocacy aim to raise awareness of issues and […]

Six charity Christmas campaigns to inspire your EOY strategy

Screenshot of the Freedom From Torture Christmas Campaign

In the UK, Christmas is one of the biggest events in the fundraising calendar and an opportunity to reach both new and existing donors. Right now, charities are full-swing into their Christmas campaigns and we’ve seen some crackers!  We’ve been so impressed with how our clients have used Engaging Networks to raise vital funds, and […]

How to Engage Donors for Year-End Fundraising: 5 Tips


This post is provided courtesy of Adam Weinger, President of Double the Donation. Engaging with donors⁠ (and maintaining high levels of engagement over time⁠) is critical for fundraising at any time of the year. This is particularly true when it comes to the year-end fundraising season⁠—which is sometimes known as end-of-year or holiday giving as well. […]