New Product Release 4.3.0


Welcome to Release 4.3.0

The latest Engaging Networks release deployed on March 11, 2022. The 4.3 Release includes some exciting new features noted below, as well as a range of improvements and fixes across modules.

Notable Updates


On donation forms, you can now easily boost your recurring revenue by adding a pop-up lightbox before confirmation. The lightboxes are designed to encourage donors to upgrade from selecting a one-time gift to a recurring gift, or to increase the amount of a selected recurring gift.

Display options and conditional rules allow you to quickly customize and add to desired pages as a shared component.



Using the Stripe gateway, ACH is now available as a payment method option to offer for your supporters using U.S. banks. The ACH implementation uses an advanced Plaid integration in order to securely search for and authenticate bank details. 


Soon after the release, we will also have new page templates available to use in the platform, specifically designed to meet accessible standards. Sign up for our webinar on March 16th to learn more about the accessible page templates and ensure your forms are optimized for all of your supporters.

Take a look through the release notes in the Supportal for all items included in the 4.3 Release, including documentation for these new features.

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